Package com.sun.syndication.feed.module.georss.geometries

This package contains classes for handling of geometric objects in a geographical context, mainly for use with the GeoRSS library.


Class Summary
AbstractCurve Abstract base class for Curves (linear objects)
AbstractGeometricPrimitive Abstract base class for geometric primitives (non-composite geometric objects)
AbstractGeometry Abstract base class for geometries.
AbstractRing Abstract base class for rings (closed linear objects used for polygon borders)
AbstractSurface Abstract base class for surface (area) objects
Envelope Envelope, a bounding box spanned by an upper right and lower left corner point.
LinearRing Linear boundary object constructed by linear interpolation between points.
LineString Linear object constructed by linear interpolation between points
Point Point object, contains a position
Polygon Polygon, a surface object bounded by one external ring and zero or more internal rings
Position A two dimensional position represented by latitude and longitude decimal degrees in WGS84
PositionList A list of geographic positions, latitude, longitude decimal degrees WGS84

Package com.sun.syndication.feed.module.georss.geometries Description

This package contains classes for handling of geometric objects in a geographical context, mainly for use with the GeoRSS library. The geometry objects closely mimics the model used for the geometry part of GML 3.1.1 "simple features", and supports the whole GeoRSS GML profile.